Performance degradation on several Business Central environments


Earlier today, we received reports of performance issues affecting multiple tenants running on the same cluster. Microsoft has investigated and identified that the cluster was running low on memory. To mitigate the issue, all service nodes were restarted, and performance should now be back to normal.

We have been actively monitoring the telemetry for the affected tenants throughout the afternoon and have observed significant improvement. Since the situation appears to be stable, we will be closing all support requests related to the recent performance issues.

If you are still experiencing problems, you can reopen the same support request, and we will follow up accordingly. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Boltrics Support Team


Microsoft has informed us that the load on the affected cluster has started to decrease. As a result, performance should now be improving for impacted environments.

We will continue to monitor telemetry and gather feedback to ensure stability. If you are still experiencing significant performance issues, please let us know.


The issue reported last Friday should now be resolved, as all service nodes have been restarted and telemetry for the cluster shows significant improvement on our end.

However, we have received new reports of performance issues affecting the following environments:

PROD-020 | PROD-038 | PROD-133| PROD-155 |PROD-175| PROD-251 | PROD-300 | PROD-319 | PROD-380

These issues have been reported to Microsoft, and we are currently awaiting further updates. We will share any new information as soon as it becomes available.


Microsoft has confirmed that their product group is actively engaged and implementing infrastructure changes to address the performance degradation and improve stability for the impacted tenants. They are also analyzing previous system behavior patterns based on our reports.

Meanwhile, we have been closely monitoring the telemetry and have observed significant improvements, with only minor issues detected this afternoon.

We will continue to track the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available.


We have received reports of performance issues affecting the following environments:

PROD-025 | PROD-039 | PROD-040 |PROD-042| PROD-060 | PROD-088 | PROD-097 | PROD-130 | PROD-136 | PROD-151 |PROD-170| PROD-188 | PROD-211 | PROD-252 | PROD-292 | PROD-316|PROD-357

All reported cases have been escalated to Microsoft, and we are currently awaiting further updates from their team.

We will provide additional information as soon as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.


We have received reports of performance issues affecting some Business Central Cloud customers. As a result, we are reopening this incident.

Customers experiencing issues are advised to report a support ticket or contact us directly to ensure their environment details are shared with Microsoft for further investigation.

In the meantime, we have contacted Microsoft Support, and they have confirmed that their engineering team is actively engaged in addressing the issue.

We will provide further updates as we receive more information


The Microsoft engineering team has implemented configuration changes to mitigate the issue affecting impacted tenants. Performance now appears to be back to normal for affected customers.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates if necessary. Thank you for your patience while we worked on this.


Microsoft’s engineering team is currently applying configuration changes to address the performance issue. Affected customers can expect significant improvement in 20-30 minutes.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as we receive them.


Microsoft has acknowledged the reported performance degradation in Business Central Online and has escalated the issue to their engineering team with the highest severity.

They are currently analyzing mitigation possibilities. We will provide further updates as soon as we receive more information.


Several customers are experiencing performance degradation in Microsoft Business Central (Cloud). The issue is affecting both the Web Client and Web Services, leading to slow response times and potential disruptions in business processes.

The issue has been reported to Microsoft for investigation. We are actively monitoring the situation and will provide updates as soon as new information is available.

No immediate action is required from customers at this time. We recommend monitoring system performance and reporting any critical operational impact.

For urgent concerns, please contact our support team.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Environments
    • Microsoft Cloud