We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.
We've fixed the core issue. It was caused by an incorrectly executed data correction during incidental maintenance.
During the time of the outage (approximately from 9AM to 5 PM), DataHub has technically pretended to be working - while it was not.
As a result, the response 200-OK was sent on webservicecalls, while no processing was done. That is why we feel compelled to ask you to check this message handling with your customer/supplier:
inbound: has every incoming message (order/statusupdate/MMD and so on) actually been processed in 3PL Dynamics?
=> If this is not the case, the original message must be send again
outbound: has every outgoing message (DESADV/order/statusupdate and so on) actually reached your Customer/DeliveryAddress and so on?
=> If this is not the case, the message in 3PL Dynamics has to be triggered again. Please note: retriggering of the DataHub Transaction is not a complete solution in these cases.
If you experience problems again despite the repair work, please let us know by submitting a ticket in our support portal.
We appreciate your patience, sincere apologies for the inconvenience!
We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.
We have been informed that several customers are again facing issues with one or more DataHub platforms. Our Data Integration Team continues to investigate these issues with the highest priority.
We appreciate your patience, sincere apologies for the inconvenience!
We've fixed the core issue, and are waiting for things to recover.
At the moment, there are issues with one or more DataHub platforms (datahub stroom). Therefore, you might experience difficulties using Boltrics’ DataHub Platform. Our team is actively investigating the incident and will provide updates here soon.
Note: It only impacts transaction processing, your logistics processes in Business Central will continue.
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