Environment responding slowly


Please find the below RCA for this case

“The service infrastructure which was serving this workload was experiencing memory pressure due to unusually high OData usage, leading to performance issues observed by the customer. The automatic built-in autoscaling mechanism, which would provide this workload with more resources, was not triggered due to misconfiguration on one of the service nodes. The issue was mitigated by updating the configuration of the node, which scaled the service to the level needed to process the workload.

The team has automatic alerts in place for tracking resources of the service nodes, and started investigating this performance degradation before it was reported by the customer. The team has created an additional repair item to track the state of the autoscaling configuration in the service nodes to avoid this situation in the future”.


The issue has been resolved, we asked Microsoft to come up with an incident report. This will be published later this day or at least within 3 days.

You will not receive an notification for this incident report, but it will be visible on the status page.

Sorry for the inconvenience it has caused.


Microsoft fixed the core issue, and we are waiting for customer confirmation if it is indeed solved.


Microsoft DevOps team confirmed they made an config change, we will measure if this solves the problem.


We have identified that tehre are still customers with performance issues. We continuously keep communicating the current status with Microsoft.


We confirmed that one customer is working correctly, after a restart of the environment. If your environment still has a problem, please restart the environment within the admin center.

For any questions or other issues, please contact our support department.


Microsoft is having trouble to find the root cause, we will be in touch when we have received more information.


Microsoft is working on this issue, we will be in touch when we have received more information.


Some customers are experiencing problems with our service right now. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

Issue: Environment responding slowly

Customers impacted: 038|043|095|112|123|138|144|146|152|155|159|164|190|203|210|217|225|228|230|233|234|246|250|251|256|264

Next update: 10:30 CET

Began at: