Environment inaccessible


It looks like the issue has been resolved.

If there are still any issues, please send a ticket to support.

Microsoft: Final Status: The rollback has completed, and we have confirmed via telemetry that environment access has been restored.



Preliminary Root Cause: A code misconfiguration that was introduced to a portion of the SQL database infrastructure via a recent deployment.

Next Steps: We're reviewing our configuration procedures to find ways to prevent this problem from happening again.

A Post Incident Report will be published within five business days.


User Impact: Users may be unable to access your environment.

Microsoft: We are aware of an emerging issue where users may be unable to access your environment. We are investigating the issue and will provide another update within the next 30 minutes.

Current Status: After our investigation, we identified that the SQL database infrastructure responsible for environment access has entered an unhealthy state. We are restarting a node within the supporting infrastructure and will monitor telemetry for improvements in service health.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Environments
    • Microsoft Cloud